Guide To Shares: How To Invest

Key Takeaways
Always do your due diligence before investing
Find out more about the company and its performance by reading its annual reports, corporate announcements and other disclosures
Monitor your investments and understand the corporate actions that the listed company intends to take and how these can affect you
Investing In SGX-listed Shares
You can invest in shares of a company seeking a listing on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) through its Initial Public Offering (IPO).
You can also invest in shares of companies that are already listed on the SGX through a broker. On the SGX, shares are mostly traded in board lots of 100. If a share is priced at $1, you pay $100 to invest in one lot of shares (excluding transaction costs).
Note: Some investors use margin financing when trading shares. Leverage trading can be risky and can lead to unlimited losses depending on the positions taken.
See also: Guide to shares: What you need to know before you invest
Before You Invest
With so many shares to choose from, it pays to do your due diligence. Take the time to do your research and shortlist companies that meet your criteria. To buy and sell shares, you will need a Central Depository (CDP) account and a trading account with a brokerage firm.
Find out more about the process.
Decide On Which Shares To Invest In
Be clear about your investment objectives first, that is, whether you are building up capital or looking for income. Also, know how much risk you are prepared to take. Build an investment portfolio that is diversified to achieve your desired risk-return profile. Decide on how you want to allocate your capital. This will help you narrow down your search.
Investors may use fundamental analysis or technical analysis or a mixture
of both when deciding which shares to invest in.
Before investing, make sure you are familiar with the company including
its business operations, whether it has a steady growth outlook, the industry
it is in, its financial performance, corporate governance, whether there
are any weaknesses and other factors which could affect its performance
and share price.
Do Your Due Diligence
Want to participate in an IPO? Take time to read the prospectus carefully to understand the company including its business operations, vulnerabilities, financial performance, valuation and corporate governance.
Likewise, before investing in shares of a listed company, find out more about the listed company and its performance by reading its annual reports, corporate announcements and other disclosures.
The above-mentioned information can be found at:
The company’s website
MAS OPERA - for prospectuses of share offerings
Open A CDP And Trading Account
Before you can start trading, you will need two accounts:
Securities account with the Central Depository (CDP) - this holds all the shares you will buy on SGX and electronically records the transactions as they happen
Trading account with a stock brokerage - this allows you to trade shares in the stock market
Both these accounts have to be linked before you can start trading.
Fees And Charges
You would need to pay brokerage commission to your broker. The commission is usually based on a percentage of the investment amount.
In addition to brokerage commissions and other charges imposed by brokers, there is a CDP clearing fee and SGX trading access fee. Please note that GST is payable on all fees.
After You Invest
As a shareholder, you should:
Monitor your investments regularly
Take note of any corporate actions that the listed company intends to take and how these can affect you
Vote in resolutions seeking shareholders’ approval, either at a general meeting or by proxy
Monitor Your Shares
You can get live trading prices from the SGX website.
There are on-going disclosure requirements if the shares are listed on
SGX. Under SGX Listing Rules, companies are required to announce all material
information via SGXNET. Companies are also required to announce their full-year
and interim financial results.
Your broker may also provide research and analysis on the shares you are
interested in.
Do keep track of the company’s performance, its business and the performance
of the industry it operates in. You can do this by:
Reading the news
Keeping up with the company’s announcements and other disclosures to the public, including interim financial statements, annual reports, shareholders’ circulars or other documents
Track Corporate Actions
You should also keep track of corporate actions such as bonus or rights issues and share buybacks. As a shareholder, you should find out how these corporate actions will affect you.
Visit the SGX website to find company announcements and circulars for any of the company's proposed corporate actions.
Note: Companies may request a trading halt or suspension when disseminating material information to the investors.
Attend General Meetings And Vote
As an ordinary shareholder, you have a right to attend and vote at general meetings on matters such as major acquisitions or disposals, or the appointment of directors.
A general meeting provides a forum for you to engage the company’s board or senior management and voice your views on matters affecting the company.
Note: Your vote counts – cast your votes for resolutions seeking shareholders’ approval by voting in person at a general meeting or by proxy.
Concerns About An SGX-listed Company
If you are a shareholder and have some concerns about the company’s compliance with SGX’s listing rules, or about possible market misconduct, you may wish to contact SGX.
SGX is the frontline regulator of listed companies and is required to administer a sound regulatory framework to maintain a fair, orderly and informed market.
Alternatively, you may wish to make your views known at the company’s Annual General Meeting.
Key Questions To Ask Before Investing In Shares
Consider the suitability of an investment in shares in light of your own circumstances. In particular, you should consider whether you:
Have sufficient knowledge and experience to make a meaningful evaluation of the merits and risks of investing in shares
Have access to and knowledge of appropriate analytical tools to evaluate the investment in the shares and how such investment will impact your overall investment portfolio
Have sufficient financial resources and liquidity to bear all the risks of investing in shares, including the risk of losing all or a substantial part of your investment
Are able to monitor or evaluate (either by yourselves or with the help of a financial advisor) changes in market, economic or other conditions that may affect the issuer or trading in the shares