Guide to ETFs: Understanding Exchange Traded Funds

Key Takeaways
ETFs are investment funds listed and traded on a stock exchange
Many aim to track the returns of a stock or commodity index
Many ETFs listed on SGX are complex structures involving the use of derivatives. Such ETFs are classified as Specified Investment Products (SIPs)
Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are investment funds that are listed and traded on a stock exchange. Your money is pooled with money from other investors and invested according to the ETF's stated investment objective.
How It Works
An ETF typically aims to produce a return that tracks or replicates a specific index such as a stock index or commodity index.
Such index tracking ETFs are passively managed by ETF managers and do not try to outperform the underlying index. Index tracking ETFs have fees and charges that are usually lower than those of actively managed investment funds.
ETFs may have complex structures. They may be structured as cash-based
ETFs or as synthetic ETFs, which involve the use of derivatives.
Note: Many ETFs have been categorised as Specified Investment
Products (SIPs). You will need to meet certain requirements to invest in
them. Check with your financial institution whether the product you are
considering is an SIP.
Returns Of ETFs
You invest in an ETF by buying units in the ETF. There is capital gain when the price of the units rises above the price paid for them. Some ETFs also pay dividends.
What Is The Most You Can Lose?
ETFs are not principal-guaranteed. You may lose all or a substantial amount of the money you invested in certain situations. The risks of investing in ETFs are described in the prospectus and product highlights sheet.
Why Invest In ETFs?
There are many ETFs to choose from. If you buy an ETF which tracks a stock index, you gain exposure to the performance of the index. For example, investing in an ETF that tracks the Straits Times Index (STI) provides investors with exposure to the Singapore market.
Here are a few advantages of investing in an ETF:
You can gain exposure to an index without having to invest in all its component stocks
Fees and charges tend to be lower than for actively managed investment funds, as ETFs have lower management fees – there is also usually no sales charge, although if you buy and sell ETFs on the SGX, you would need to pay the applicable brokerage commissions or transfer taxes
As ETFs are traded on a stock exchange, you can buy and sell units of ETFs throughout the trading day
Are ETFs Suitable For You?
Investing in ETFs may not be for everyone. Before you invest, make sure that you:
Want potentially higher returns BUT are also prepared for variable returns which include the risk of losing all or a substantial part of your investment
Understand how returns are calculated and the factors that can affect returns
Understand the risks associated with the ETF
You should be aware of the risks associated with the use of derivatives by ETFs, including the consequences if the provider or counterparty of the derivative defaults
Are prepared to have your money tied up for long periods of time
A longer time horizon is generally preferred to ride out short-term price fluctuations. However, depending on the investor’s investment objective, some ETFs may be suitable for short term trading
Are familiar with the ETF manager and the ETF’s track record
What Are The Risks?
Common risks associated with ETFs include the following
Market Risk |
Tracking Error |
Foreign Exchange Risks |
Liquidity Risk |
ETF’s traded price not reflective of Net Asset Value (NAV) per unit |
Risks from securities lending |
Types Of ETFs: Cash-based VS Synthetic
There are different ways to structure an ETF even if its investment objective is to track the same underlying index.
Cash-based ETF
Cash-based (or physical) ETFs are ETFs that invest directly into the assets that make up the index. They may invest in:
All of the index’s component stocks, bonds or assets
A representative selection of the index’s component stocks, bonds or assets
Synthetic ETF
Synthetic ETFs are ETFs that use derivative products such as swaps or access products (for example, participatory notes) to produce returns that track the relevant indices.
The use of derivatives means:
More parties are involved, e.g., the swap counterparty or the access product issuer
You are exposed to the risk that the swap counterparty or access product issuer defaults on its payment obligations under the swap or access product. Such a party may default if it becomes bankrupt or insolvent. The amount of loss you suffer will depend on the ETF’s exposure to the counterparty or issuer
Synthetic ETFs that are swap-based may use either the unfunded or funded structure.